The world is ridden by demons, as Carl Sagan would say.
We return to an unprecedented Dark Age. If things continue the way they have, we will soon be (and are already to a certain extent) obeying the rule of rich speculators and clergy members.
We must keep in mind that, although they have already made mistakes before, such as in the Middle Ages and during the French Revolution, they will be sure to learn from them, and employ other, more effective, and less obvious methods.
It is the responsability of us thinking civilians to put an end to this altogether, and educate ourselves in the ways of the world, and it's history. And I don't mean the "official" history, that you are encouraged to believe, but what really happened. A cold analysis of world events based upon the interests behind every event, and of those who actually profited (monetarily or otherwise) from them.
Even though they have at their disposal weapons of mass destruction, infinite financial resources, means of persuasion and political power upon this Earth, their great Achilles' heel is their obsessive compulsive need for self-destruction. This makes them irrational. This makes them inherently weak when faced with a single rational thought.
We have lived, as far as we can remember, in a constant global state of inflation, unemployment, war and injustice. We, the thinking people, have sat upon our couches at home and contemplated the world turn into a place not quite as worth living in as our parents had hoped. We, the inheriters of the world, have a responsability which our forefathers have bequeathed us; to make this world a better place.
Imagine a world without war, without strife, without hunger, without speculators, without suffering. Imagine a world without religion...
Imagine a world where you would not suffer from the anxiety of a "superior being" that observes your every move,and judges your every word. Imagine waking up in the morning, and greeting your neighbors, the birds, the sun and the grass... and that's all. Imagine not worrying about having to be "thankful to god" for what you have, but rather, be able to actually enjoy what is available to you, without having to work as a slave for a rich capitalist who cares only about his profits, while you are unable to buy a single reading lamp for that apartment whose rent you can barely afford.
Imagine not being poor and actually being able to pursue your dreams. What kind of world would that be? A world without limits? A world with people who felt happy and satisfied? In such a world, what would we do with things such as money, jobs, banks, churches?
Imagine at least actually working at something you loved, but not so much for the money, but for the knowledge that with that job all your needs would be met, and you would help meet others' needs.
Imagine the holy see returning it's gold, it's riches and it's investment to what's left of the native american indians, to the survivors of the nazi and communist concentration camps, to the pacific islanders, to the africans, and to the descendants of the millions of atheists, anarchists, skeptics, scientists, researchers, writers, and many, many millions more human beings that were slaughtered by the christian church, it's followers, it's representatives, and it's supporters.
Think about the possibility of us humans actually breaking from this slavery they call the "labor market", where human skill is traded and sold to the highest bidder, and actually living in a system where services would be given because someone needed them, and not because someone needed feverishly to get rich.
How would it be, to live in such a world? How would it be to live with a free mind, where your ideas were your presentation card, and your willingness to help others your credit line? How would it be to live in a world where your best investment was to ask your neighbor if anything was needed from the forest, or from your plot of land?
Would it really be that horrible? Do we really need to be slaves? Are we so afraid of freedom, that we willingly bow our heads and submit to the chains of money and religion? How willing are we to destroy our own self for the betterment of those who speculate with our physical and mental health? How many lives have been disposed of, destroyed, forgotten and erased, for the sake of those who would stand upon our heads?
This online repository of crucial information has been founded with the idea of helping that person who needs factual data, or the person who just can't find the answer to something. This site is intended for those who think, or want to think, a bit more clearly. This site is intended to break chains and bring light. This site is intended to help separate the waters (and we won't need Moses for that).
"The Water Thief" refers to an old experiment semi-accidentally performed by Empedocles, which was to become the first recorded awareness of the existence of an element's mass. A Greek philosopher, politician, poet, and scientist who lived in the time of the historian Herodotus, he performed a simple experiment by use of a clepsydra whereby he deduced that air must have "corporeality". Such ideas would soon thereafter be developed into Demokritus' atomic theory for the cosmos.
The Earth belongs to nobody, therefore, everybody must take care of it. We belong to it, just as we belong to the universe. We are made of it, and it is made of us. We can either care for it and each other, or look the other way while those with a obsessive desire for self-destruction "take care" of the planet for us.
This is a warning call for humanity. This is a wake up call for the thinkers of the Earth to unite. Write books, write essays, make phonecalls, meet, demonstrate, discuss, get elected, get educated, and get your rights fullfilled.
You have a right to be Happy.
You have a right to be Free.
You have a right to live without Fear.
You have a right to Love.
You are the result of 65 billion years of evolution.

A very well written article that should be imitated by the "serious" journalists that are constantly feeding us with their unsubstantial subjects. I hope that the readers of this important document will retain in their memory the message and spread it out to others. Oscar
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