Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Odd Case of Sir Karl Popper

Max Planck stated very clearly a premise that would later fuel Popper: Science cannot give the final answers to anything.   Of course, such a statement would imply, automatically, the qualification of Metaphysics to reveal, expose and explain that which Science cannot…   This is not the only thing in which we should...
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why Us. Why Now.

The world is ridden by demons, as Carl Sagan would say.We return to an unprecedented Dark Age. If things continue the way they have, we will soon be (and are already to a certain extent) obeying the rule of rich speculators and clergy members.We must keep in mind that, although they have already made mistakes before, such as in the Middle...
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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Research: Religion Causes Brain Damage

In studying the effects of religious identification and spiritual experiences on the neuroanatomy of adults, Dr. Amy Owen, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, together with other researchers, has proved that religious types see their brain mass diminish at an advanced age. Catholics, Protestants and other believers displayed a considerable...
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